Remote sensing data loading

This example illustres some data loading utilities provided by torchcvnn for remote sensing.


We provide the generic torchcvnn.datasets.SLCDataset object as a generic SLC data parser. An example script using it can be found in This object can be used to load all the SLC files present in a directory. The parser requires both the SLC and annotation files to be present in the same directory.

A basic example of how to use the SLC parser is shown below:

import numpy as np
import torchcvnn
from torchcvnn.datasets.slc.dataset import SLCDataset

def get_pauli(data):
    # Returns Pauli in (H, W, C)
    HH = data["HH"]
    HV = data["HV"]
    VH = data["VH"]
    VV = data["VV"]

    alpha = HH + VV
    beta = HH - VV
    gamma = HV + VH

    return np.stack([beta, gamma, alpha], axis=-1)

patch_size = (3000, 3000)
dataset = SLCDataset(


We also provide a generic parser for the JAXA ALOS2 format as the generic torchcvnn.datasets.ALOSDataset. An example script using it can be found in If the trailer and leader files are colocated with the ALOS2 volume file, they are loaded as well.

The ALOS parser allows for cropping a subpart of the data. The example below shows how to do that :

crop_coordinates = ((2832, 736), (7888, 3520))
dataset = alos2.ALOSDataset(
    patch_size=(512, 512),
    patch_stride=(128, 128),