- class torchcvnn.transforms.FFTResize(size: Tuple[int, ...], axis: Tuple[int, ...] = (-2, -1), scale: bool = False, dtype: str | None = 'complex64')[source]¶
Resizes an input image in spectral domain with Fourier Transformations.
This transform first applies a 2D FFT to the input array/tensor of shape CHW along specified axes, followed by padding or center cropping to achieve the target size, then applies an inverse FFT to go back to spatial domain. Optionally, it scales the output amplitudes to maintain energy consistency between original and resized images.
- Parameters:
size – Tuple[int, int] Target dimensions (height, width) for resizing.
axis – Tuple[int, …], optional The axes over which to apply FFT. Default is (-2, -1). For a array / tensor of shape CHW, it corresponds to the Height and Width axes.
scale – bool, optional If True, scales the output amplitudes to maintain energy consistency with respect to input size. Default is False.
dtype – torch.dtype or numpy.dtype, optional Output data type. If None, maintains the input data type. For PyTorch tensors: torch.complex64 or torch.complex128 For NumPy arrays: numpy.complex64 or numpy.complex128
- Returns:
- numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor
Resized image as a complex-valued array/tensor, maintaining shape (C, height, width).
>>> transform = FFTResize((128, 128)) >>> resized_image = transform(input_tensor) # Resize to 128x128 using FFT
Input must be a multi-dimensional array/tensor of shape Channel x Height x Width.
Spectral domain resizing preserves frequency characteristics better than spatial interpolation
Operates on complex-valued data, preserving phase information
Memory efficient for large downsampling ratios
Based on the Fourier Transform properties of scaling and periodicity
The output is complex-valued due to the nature of FFT operations. If you are working with real-valued data,
it is recommended to call ToReal after applying this transform.
- __init__(size: Tuple[int, ...], axis: Tuple[int, ...] = (-2, -1), scale: bool = False, dtype: str | None = 'complex64') None [source]¶
(size[, axis, scale, dtype])